Abuse comes in all forms; psychological, physical, sexual.
We are taught as children not to talk to strangers, tell someone if someone touches you, etc. But what do you do when the person you would go to for these things is the person who is also doing the harm? Who do you tell? How do you get help? How do you survive?

This story is not one of love and devotion, but of survival and perseverance in the darkest of situations. Through it love prevails in the heart of Dave. The fear Dave faces hinders his heart as he fights for his survival. Dave's love for his brothers, even his mother, conflict with his emotions and instincts for survival leaving him to question the very existence of himself many times.
This page-turner is short but well worth the read. If I could find the nerve and emotional capacity I would re-read this over again. When picking this book be prepared to harbor ill feelings towards humanity during your course of reading this novel.
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